YES, we can!
“Don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.””
While I was creating blogs and researching inspiring women, I thought to myself, YES, WE CAN. The “we” refers to any marginalized, oppressed or discouraged person/group that felt or still feels that they “can’t",” whatever “can’t” may mean to them.
I stood in awe and shock of the history that made these moments possible, the history being made right before my eyes and the overwhelming truth that yes, I can and yes, you can too! We have the power to build a world for ourselves and others within which we are able to live in the “can” and not the “can’t.”
It is a common phrase or rule of thumb to not have can’t in your vocabulary; however, this is a lot easier said than done. Sometimes “can’t” sneaks up on you as fast as holiday deserts and it is rooted in the overwhelming pressures and realities of the world. Being aware of when “can’t” begins to subconsciously take over our beliefs will help us remove its power over our thoughts, life and actions.
Former First Lady, Michelle Obama, mentions courage and hope, which are two factors that build the mindset of can over can’t. Someone is courageous and hopeful if they are able to live in the belief that yes, I can in spite of the truths they are told by others and the world.
The first step to any goal or feat is believing in yourself. The world will fail you, your loved ones will fail you, your friends will fail you and even the people you thought never could will fail you because we’re all human. The only person you can always count on to tell you, “yes, you can",” is yourself, so make sure you hype yourself up and don’t wait on someone else to do it!
Food for thought:
What would you do if failure was impossible?
What is standing between you and what you want to accomplish (work, personal or otherwise related)?
Write a list of you CAN do and try to make it build up to something you’ve been believing you can’t do.
For example:
I want to be more money conscious, so. . .
I can cook more at home.
I can eat out less.
I can start being more aware of what I actually need vs. want.
I can limit my spending without stressing myself out.
This year, 2021, this month, next month and all the months that follow today, YES, WE CAN! The beauty of this statement is that it is inclusive. I can, you can and the person in front, beside and behind us can as well. We all CAN, but will we choose too? A common theme throughout for some of our Women of the Week is that at one point throughout their journey they felt as if they were the only one who believed in themselves, if you reach this point remember that this is all you need. Your voice saying yes, we can or yes, I can is more powerful than you will ever know, keep believing!
Yes, we can. We can even when it feels like we can’t. We can even when we are tired. We can even when we feel defeated. We can even when we are questioning everything. We can even when it seems like there isn’t a way. We can even when everyone else tells us we can’t. Yes, we can!